Repetitions (WIP)



Working titles:
Recurring Routes


Set Paths, Defined Routes, Fixed (something)


Editions of 100:
Specifically made to be printable at high resolutions (eg. Riso black + white + „auszeichnung“/contrast/signal)

Update list (Newest first)

Posted: 09.03.2024, 00:05:00

Day 4 WIP: Rectangle test

Posted: 08.03.2024, 21:14:00

Day 3 WIP: Rectangles spanning from a midpoint for new compositions.

Posted: 08.03.2024, 17:06:00

Day 3 WIP: So much cleaner with the subgrids

Posted: 08.03.2024, 13:09:00

Day 3 WIP: Working on subgrids. The "main grid" (Hauptraster) can be divided into smaller sections. This is where ideally the elements can snap onto it.

Posted: 08.03.2024, 00:18:00

Day 3 WIP: Character sets have holes and that should be fixed

Posted: 08.03.2024, 00:04:00

Day 3 WIP

Posted: 07.03.2024, 23:55:00

Day 2 WIP: End of the day state is much "fuller" and interesting to look at

Posted: 07.03.2024, 18:24:00

Day 2 WIP: PETSCII Character set and classes

Posted: 06.03.2024, 15:41:00

Day 1 WIP: Bresenham algorithm hacked and repetitions

Posted: 06.03.2024, 12:19:00

Day 1 WIP: System basics. Loop logic and interpolation.

More Works in Progress

Some Assembly Required


